Sunday, November 6, 2016

Life with Reagan so far...

          Now that I'm getting more sleep I have time to write this 4 months later. Haha! Reagan is everything I had hoped for and I love her to death. Frank and I have learned so much as parents. I had babysat many times in my past and I thought I knew it all. That totally went out the door!lol. Every child is different and I've learned whatever it! I now get the mom lingo lol...I'm so tired, I never get a shower,...but I wouldn't change a thing! I guess I didn't realize how connected I would be and how paranoid I'd be. I love her so much and being away from her hurts. I did hear that the paranoid symptom goes away when the second kid comes lol. Frank and I have a new moto now that we say often..."to be a parent you have to become totally selfless".
          My pregnancy was going so good until I got to 36 weeks. I was diagnosed with Preclampsia. I have theories that I got it from working to much and being on my feet. Even though the OB said that it just happens to a lot of first time mothers and she has seen it the most with daughters. I pray I don't get it with my second. I got put on bed rest for a week. My blood pressure never went down(probably because I was researching what preclampsia was and freaked myself out.)She then induced me a week later at 37 weeks. My labor was pretty long(19 hours), but not as long as most. I was in a lot of pain until my epidural, but after that I was golden. I felt pressure and starting pushing around 2:40 and had her at 3:05 (even though the doc said she would be there in 5 min for me to push..and it turned into 12 min ughhh). Reagan was born 5lbs 9oz 19inches long on July 11, 2016 (7Eleven hehe).
       Just as everyone said TIME has been flying. I can't believe I'll have a 4 month old on Friday. She has grown so much and already developing a personality. I have been working from home because I felt like it would be good for our family. We built a salon in my basement and its really been working out. I love all my clientele and feel comfortable letting them come into my home. If Reagan was a bad baby I would've been screwed. She keeps up with her schedule pretty well. Eats every 2-3hrs and diaper change almost every hour(diva). Although she does not nap well during the day. She takes little cat naps during the day, but sleeps through the night now. We have switched to lactose free formula because the poor girl wouldn't latch and preferred the bottle. I pumped for 3 months and had to go dairy free. It was really hard. I have about 100oz in the freezer, but it has dairy in it. I hope she will tolerate milk soon or I'll have to donate it. She has such a sensitive tummy. I was hard on myself about it ,but I also had to remember to do what works best for her and my insanity. Mom shamming is real and I just need to learn to ignore people.So much peer pressure to be super mom, but I've learned as long as they are happy and healthy...Keep doing what works man! 
                                                                                                 Sweet Missouri Girl


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We are having a baby!

Frank and I are so excited  to have a bundle of joy this August. I wanted to be a mom so bad and kept praying. It took a little while, but I just needed to be patient. I have always been a planner, but I knew that I finally had to leave this in God's hands. I have to say it couldn't have been more perfect timing with everything that is going on in our lives. He's always had the best plan for us. Sometimes you just need to put all your trust in him.Today when I heard the heartbeat tears rolled  down my cheeks and I thought what a beautiful miracle. It's so amazing how God created something to grow inside of us(women that is LOL.) If there any women out there struggling try to pray and no matter what you will be a mother somehow on this world!(keep trying everything!)Thank you to all who have congratulated us! I can't wait to share my journey with all of you! XO XO- Sweet Missouri Girl